

Extra Speed Saver! is the #1 downloaded, fastest and easiest-to-use video downloader for Android. With this application you can save any HD video from youtube to your device for offline viewing at any time and place of your choice. Efficient and intuitive interface: The application has a beautiful and intuitive interface that can be learned in just a few seconds. It is the simplest thing in the world to save videos with Extra Speed Saver! because it contains buttons that are large, visible, well spaced apart,y positioned on the edge of the screen so that you can easily reach them with your thumb without having to move it too much. It is easy to use the application: Extra Speed Saver! allows you to save any HD video from YouTube easily. All you have to do is select the video using the player button. If it is not possible to play the video automatically, click on "Play button" and then click on "Download button". After that, you will be presented with a list of bitrates channels providing download speeds for semi-HD, high-definition videos. Choose the one that suits your needs and hit "Start". With this application all your videos are stored in internal memory so they are not affected by power outages or other interruptions of service transmission. Extra Speed Saver! is recommended for everyone that wants to download video faster, easier and more efficiently. "Extra Speed Saver! has done something really useful for my life. I'm not a heavy user of YouTube videos, but on the rare occasion I do watch some on my phone, Extra Speed Saver! has always been able to keep up." -Paul Horner, Beta Tester

http://www.roidroid.com/ extra-speed-saver-download/


http://androidapks4u.blogspot. com/2012/04/saver-pro-v3-java-applet.html

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QNpDUxJqEE&feature=youtu.be http://www.smartyhearthblog.com/?p=4053&cpage=1


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com. al.extraspesaver&hl=en






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